Malayalam superstar Mammootty has set social media ablaze with his latest Instagram picture. The 72-year-old actor shared a photo of himself sporting a stylish look, leaving fans and even his son Dulquer Salmaan impressed.
Mammootty strikes a pose in the photo, dressed in a crisp white fitted T-shirt and jeans. To complete his look, he dons a black fedora hat and matching sunglasses, exuding effortless cool. The caption simply reads “RAMBLER,” leaving fans to speculate about the meaning behind the word.
The picture has been a hit with fans, garnering over 300,000 likes within an hour of being posted. Dulquer Salmaan, Mammootty’s son and a well-known actor himself, couldn’t contain his admiration. He shared the photo on his Instagram Stories, adding several heart-eyed emojis to express his approval.
Mammootty’s career spans nearly five decades, with numerous accolades to his name. He has received three National Awards and multiple Kerala State Film Awards for Best Actor, solidifying his position as a legendary figure in Indian cinema. He continues to redefine stardom and masculinity within the industry.
Mammootty’s upcoming film, Turbo, is slated for release on June 13th. He recently wrapped filming for another project titled Bazooka. Acclaimed director Amal Neerad is also reportedly planning a new film with Mammootty, titled Bilal. This project is expected to begin filming in mid-2024, further adding to Mammootty’s impressive list of upcoming ventures.